Our years working in animal rescue gives us a personal view on what it's like to truly save a life. Pregnant mothers, abandoned puppies, devastating abuse. Every animal that comes in our door has a story worth sharing.

June 2013
In June 2013 we received a call from a woman in distress. A dog had shown up on her back porch and was covered in ticks from head to toe, he was severely emaciated, and his back right foot had been severed and was a bloody, oozing mess.

November 2012
Kele was laying down eating trash near a dead dog that had been stuffed into a plastic bag. Kele was one of the most emaciated dogs we have ever rescued. He only weighed about 22 lbs. and his normal weight should have been around 40 lbs. He could barely walk, and when he was lying down he could hardly hold up his head.

April 22, 2013
Melody & Conner were seized in an animal cruelty investigation when we received a call regarding two dogs that did not have food or water. Upon our arrival we found two dogs in life threatening conditions, chained to posts, with no food, no running water on the property and no shade from the 90 degree heat. Melody weighed just 30 lbs., a Body Condition Score of 1 out of 5. She was anemic, wobbled when she stood, heartworm positive, had internal parasites, and a very bad infestation of fleas.